Whether you are facing the heartbreak of your pet’s death, have a pet that has gone missing or need someone to talk to about your loss: Andrew is here for you.

If your pet has gone missing or had to be re-homed, is reaching the end of their life or they have recently passed away; Andrew has space to support to help you at this difficult time.

Andrew understands just how much your pet means to you and has experienced the range of emotions that you may be going through.

Our pets are a part of the family and we often shower them with love and affection, they are faithful companions on those cold, rainy walks or comfort when you are sad, they’re there when we feel lonely.

So when that part of our life has gone, there is often a big dog/cat shaped hole. Just as in human bereavement, there are the stages of grief that some go through. This is a perfect opportunity to talk to someone.

Andrew is happy to listen to you, know matter ‘how silly’ it feels. A loss is a loss and can affect us the same way. Andrew offers as many sessions as you need to support you in your loss.