Miscarriage/Still Birth is a hard subject to talk about. Sadly 1 in 4 women will suffer the misfortune of a miscarriage. For those involved, whether that the woman herself, her partner, their parents and potential grandparents; there is the experience of loss and bereavement.

There will be questions that need answering, stages of grief for those to experience. As with every loss/bereavement, there will be the need to talk, to share those emotions and feelings. The need to try and make some sort of sense of it all.

If you would benefit in any way by talking to someone, Andrew would be a listening ear and an understanding person to talk to.

Men, I understand that it may be hard for you to revisit this traumatic experience, however I am here for you too, as a father/husband, I realise just how important it is for us men to talk. If that is you then please use the contact form to book a session.

Depending on your situation, I may also suggest a referral to the Pregnancy Care Crisis Team in Plymouth.